Film di Alessandro Negrini
Multi award winning Italian film director and screenwriter. He spent much of the late 1990s travelling in Europe writing and in 2001 he moved to Ireland. His films have garnered a remarkable raft of international awards in festivals around the world. His work combine fiction, documentaries and poetry. His latest film ‘Tides’ has been defined by critics as docu-dream, winning 17 international awards.
His film ‘Paradiso’, commissioned by BBC, won 18 international awards and has been nominated in more than 60 festivals around the world.
He worked several times with the renowned Norwegian OddGeir Saether (Dop in David Lynch's Inland Empire.) and worked with renowned screenwriters and producers, including Margo Harkin (Hush bye Baby), David Gothard (former artistic director of Riverside Studios in London and Abbey Theatre, Dublin), Austrian screenwriter and producer Michael Seeber (writer of A Good American) and David Wingate (writer of Fucking Amal).
He is a regular judge and external selector at international film festivals in Italy, Portugal, UK, USA.
Recently, Negrini has been selected by one of the most prominent Italian film critic, Adriano Aprà, as part of 'Fuorinorma' (Out of the Norm), a project and a book selecting the best new Italian experimental cinema.
Human rights activist, he was Artistic Director of the Human Right Cinema Fest in Cozenza, South of Italy in 2022.