Claudio Paletto
Since the 1980s, he has made around 80 short films, social documentaries and films for urban installations, performances, art and non-traditional museum exihibitions.
Many of his works have been presented at prestigious film festivals, including the Torino Film Festival, the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Filmmaker Milano, Arcipelago Festival Internazionale di Cortometraggi e Nuove Immagini di Roma, countless festivals (Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Banja Luka, Genoa, Eindhoven, Tunis, New York) and important markets (Clermont-Ferrand, Cannes).
FILMOGRAPHY: Walls and Borders (2009), Piccola italiana (cm, 2010), Acqua passata (cm, 2019), Lo spirito continua (cm, 2019), Imperfetto presente (cm, doc, 2020).