Film di
Founded in 1978, it provides services for national and international television circuits. It produces, on its own or in co-production with third parties, documentaries and fiction on social and cultural themes.
Other productions:
- "Storia del Cinema Italiano" (cycle of 10 television programmes) directed by Francesco Conversano and Nene Grignaffini, produced in 1979.
- P.S. I love you", text by Stefano Benni, directed by Francesco Conversano and Nene Grignaffini, produced in 1981.
- Una storia, un sogno" (cycle of 6 video stories) directed by Aurelio Forgione, Massimo Martelli, Antonio Paticchio and Franco Stradella, produced in 1982.
- Echi d'Occidente" directed by Renato De Maria, prod. 1983 (Salsomaggiore Tv Film Festival 1983, Festival Internazionale Video Artisti Lubiana 1984, Festival Video Arte Ferrara 1984, Festival Video Sperimentale CRT Teatro-arte Milano 1984).
- "Love is the Answer" directed by Renato De Maria, prod. 1991 (third prize at the New York Film Festival in 1991).
- Strada Provinciale delle Anime" directed by Gianni Celati, prod. RAI radiotelevisione italiana 1991.
- "Yes it is" directed by Paolo Muran and Giorgio Comaschi, prod. 1992 (3rd prize Spazio Italia Fiction, Festival Cinema Giovani di Torino 1993).
- Verdiana" directed by Paolo Muran and Giorgio Comaschi, produced in 1994 (special jury prize at the Videofestival Opere Nuove Bolzano 1995, prize Fotogramma d'Argento Festival Fotogramma d'Oro Castrocaro Terme 1995).
- Rotta per il Pilastro" edited by Enza Negroni, produced by Comune di Bologna 1997 (Festival Cinema Giovani di Torino 1997, Alpe Adria Cinema Trieste 1998, Arcipelago Festival del Corto Roma 1998, Festival Città di Bra 1998).