Extract Histoire d'une larme A film byGiovanni Coda

Based on the book “Ocean Terminal” by Piergiorgio Welby Italian poet, painter and activist whose three-month-long battle to establish his right to die led to a debate about euthanasia in Italy, an exclusive short preview of the next film by Giovanni Coda.

Based on the book “Ocean Terminal” by Piergiorgio Welby Italian poet, painter and activist whose three-month-long battle to establish his right to die led to a debate about euthanasia in Italy, an exclusive short preview of the next film by Giovanni Coda.


director and screenplay: Giovanni Coda
with: Sergio Anrò, Bruno Petrosino, Gianni Dettori
narrator voice: Sergio Anrò
assistant director: Marco Oppo
photography: Tore Manca
sound: Vincenzo Mario Boi (Audio Voice Studio)
camera car: Maurizio Abis
co-production: Vide@, Moon Arts, Marco Oppo
script editor (French version): Sergio Anrò
Script Editor (English version): Massimo Spiga
Script Editor: Giovanna Zappu
Intervento Poetico: Cataldo Dino Meo
Coreografie: Donatella Deidda
Make Up: Antonello Foddis
Musica: Cosimo Morleo, Annalisa Mameli e Corrado Aragoni, Alessia Desogus, Veronica Maccioni e Ottavio Farci, Irma Toudjian, Les Stick Fluò
Still Photographer: Giorgio Russo

RegiaGiovanni Coda GenresShort movie Length 1' Year 2021 Country Italy Format HD Tag A.C. Labor& Giovanni Coda
Trailer Extract Histoire d'une larme