I Had a Dream (excerpts)
Prima Visione
Un film di Claudia Tosi

I Had a Dream (excerpts)


The story of Manuela, MP, and Daniela, a city council member, told intimately and in full without ever ceasing to maintain an elegant air of respect, fits into the context (and this is the challenge for the protagonists at the beginning of their journey) of an Italy where "Berlusconism," an attitude governed by the "total disinterest of the Other," which has "ruined" the country and is expressed in shameless sexism, continues to creep in violent insulting messages sent to the elected official on Facebook, the harmless words of ordinary citizens and the jokes made by a party colleague about women’s manners, who acts as if it’s nothing. Because it’s a matter of fact that women aren’t allowed to act in the same disrespectful manner. And so, they keep their calm.


Film info



The Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
Miedo - Raquel Marquez

Miedo (Fear) – Raquel Marques

3' - Raquel Marqués - Spain The Purple Meridians, Raquel Marquez
Prima Visione

África 815

66' - Pilar Monsell - Spain Pilar Monsell/Proxemica, Pilar Monsell, Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
Si je te vole la mer_03

Si je te vole la mer (If I steal the sea from you) – Ro Caminal

15' - Ro Caminal - Algeria The Purple Meridians, Ro Caminal
Prima Visione
Europe Trap

Europa Trampa (Europe Trap) – Anna Giralt Gris

46' - Anna Giralt Gris - Spain, Greece Anna giralt Gris, The Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
Mundos Uterinos

Mundos Uterinos

6' - Lili Marsans - Spain Lili Marsans, The Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
trinta_lumes Locandina

Trinta Lumes (Diana Taucedo) – Lara Vilanova

80' - Lara Vilanova - Spain The Purple Meridians, Lara Vilanova
Prima Visione

İçeridenDışarıya O Kalabalığı Hatırla (Remember The March) – Güliz Sağlam

13' - Güliz Sağlam - Turkey Altyazı Fasikul, Güliz Sağlam, Purple Meridians
Prima Visione

Pace (Window) – Rezzan Bayram

7' - Rezzam Bayram - Bakur Kurdistan (Nord Kurdistan) Rezzam Bayram, Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
Endless games 1

Endless Games – Elif Yiğit

6' - Elif Yiğit - Turkey Purple Meridians, Elif Yiğit
Prima Visione

Açik Yara (Open Wound) – Ahu Öztürk

21' - Ahu Öztürk - Turkey Purple Meridians, Ahu Öztürk, Gezici Film
Prima Visione

Zimanê Çîya (The Language of Mountains)

15' - Lisa Çalan - Turkey The Purple Meridians, Lisa Calan
Prima Visione

Veşarti (Cache) – Ruken Ergüneş Özdemir

12' - Ruken Ergüneş Özdemir - Turkey - Kurdistan
Prima Visione
goodbye saigon 02

Arrivederci Saigon (Goodbye Saigon) – Wilma Labate

16' - Wilma Labate - Italy The Purple Meridians, Wilma Labate
Prima Visione
Mondo Nuovo - Irene Dionisio

New World (Mondo Nuovo)

3' - Irene Dionisio - Italy Irene Dionisio, The Purple Meridians
Prima Visione

I Had a Dream (excerpts)

20' - Claudia Tosi - Italy Claudia Tosi, I Had a Dream, Avevo un Sogno
Prima Visione
Lui e io Still 2

Lui e io (He and I) – Giulia Cosentino

13' - Giulia Cosentino - Italy Giulia cosentino, Purple Meridians
Prima Visione
Bulli & Pupe

Bulli & Pupe – Chiara Ronchini

20' - Chiara Ronchini, Steve Della Casa - Italy Purple Meridians, Chiara Ronchini
Prima Visione
Sublunary 00


20' - Mariangela Ciccarello, Philippe Cartelli - ENG - Italy / USA The Purple Meridians, Mariangela Ciccarello