Present Imperfect (Voices from the First Lockdown) A film byMaddalena Merlino, Claudio Paletto

Italy, March 2020, the Covid pandemic hit hard. During the first lockdown a couple of filmmakers tries to survive the alienating condition of isolation.

Their home becomes the crossroad for their friends to testify their experiences, with their voices, coming from afar to fight fear and loneliness.


music: Negazione, Per QX + Paramour, Stefano Giaccone - Franti Sound System

sound design: Roberto Tax Farano

with the voices, the music, the drawings and the faces of: Sailor Moon, Stefano Giaccone, Mimmo Calopresti, Negazione, Giovanna Siniscalchi, Chella Sammaritano, Ivan Di Buduo, Daniela Portonero, Giovanni Vegliacasa, Massimo Braghieri, Petra Probst, Palestra Popolare Antifa Boxe Torino, Giovanna Bauchiero, Steve Della Casa, Graziella Cioffari, Roberto “Tax” Farano, Annalisa Castellini, Cecilia Stella, Elena Past, Ed Slesak, la piccola Gaia, Elisabetta Sannino, il piccolo Nadir, Mirko Capozzoli, Marilena Moretti, Andreina di Brino, Lalli Ollino.